LG Wing Reaction


Android Authority recently broke the news of the LG Wing, a new take on dual screen, more like 1@1/2 screensLet's get into it. 



I'll start by including both videos released by Android Authority:https://www.androidauthority.com/lg-wing-1135277/. Ok so now that you watched that I'm ready to talk about the actual phone, it looks like it's a regular phone with a second screen sandwiched behind the main screen. In various pictures and videos, we saw the different form factors such as GPS, gaming, and texting/communication with the onscreen keyboard. It's truly a unique form-factor as literally no one else has even tried such an endeavor, the form factor isn't made for running two significant apps. Instead it's made to be complimented your main app. 


We see a music app and call coming in on the smaller, secondary screen, while the main screen is focused on Google mapsThat secondary screen allowed that person to do two things: 

. Control music without leaving maps 

. Take a call on the secondary display without losing focus on maps 

See what I mean? Unlike the Surface Duo where you run two significant apps side by side (or one app spanned to both screens) the Wing runs one app and a compliment. Of course, the Wing can go back and be a regular phone when it wants to be but that's not the point, the point is being able to do more than your regular phone while keeping the familiarity of a regular phone.  

I love the idea of a dedicated keyboard on the second screen and your choice of apps on the main screen, it's like a BlackBerry but more modern. I do have my concerns that Android will not play nice with this posture because landscape mode on Android isn't that good, so this is a mode for someone who is just trying to text various people in on barrage. Anything else will call for the use of just the main screen.  


I also want to talk about gaming, gaming with the Wing could be great. Although the video only demonstrated gaming with maps, but I could see someone tracking stats on the top while playing the game on the main screen. I also see a possibility for a Gameboy like situation with controls on the bottom and the game on top (see picture on top for an idea of composing mode). 


Honestly, the LG Wing might be LG's first flashy device that has a future, can't wait to react to the reviews. 



Best, BenTechCoder


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